
12 - 13-14-15 July 2024

Mycenae, Greece.

More than a festival

A Future for our Past

4 Days

3 Places




Visual Arts




Highlights 2023

2024 Fourth Edition

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FichtiArt Festival

Fichti Art est un festival lancé en 2021 qui se déroule en Grèce dans la région de l'Argolide, au pied du site historique de Mycènes, dans la commune de Fichtia. Durant quatre jours, à la mi-juillet, dans un cadre magnifique, le Festival devient un lieu d'expression de toutes les formes artistiques en dialogue avec la population locale, les visiteurs, le public.




In 2022, the Schools of Architecture of Thessaloniki and Marseille and the Schools of Fine Arts of Athens and Florina worked on the theme of "Abandonment" of the Mycenae Station and the Xenia Pavilion.
For the year 2023, the workshop will address the issue of "Renaissance" of these places.

With the idea of developing an architectural and artistic reflection highlighting the villages of Mycenae and Fichtia, classified as World Heritage Sites by UNESCO, the FichtiArt Festival has set up a one-week workshop allowing young architects and artists to work in collaboration around a theme.

Being sensitive to sustainable development, to the use of unconventional materials, to the protection of emblematic places and to the conservation of the cultural memory of the region, these "Residences" are a place of exchange and creation between architects, craftsmen, painters, sculptors, taggers....


Visiting Mycenae is often limited to the simple visit of the archaeological site. But did you know that just a stone's throw away from the site, hidden from view for centuries, there are wonders waiting for you? Discover these hidden treasures by following the itineraries we suggest.

The festival is made by volunteers