
Cyclotropean Projekt

The "Cyclotropean Projekt" stages a timeless and interdimensional civilization. Through a puzzle of multiple "cycloglyphs", the alphabet of a universal language, we gradually discover the traces left by the Cyclotropeans. These creatures make us question the way we see time, our environment environment and otherness.

Mirror of our civilizations, from the Neolithic to the Anthropocene, the cyclotropean marks recall our own challenges yet also reflect hope, our strengths, our ability to doubt, to love and help one another.

Studied as a historian, his favorite theme is centered on the representations of Man and civilizations.

After many years of practicing figurative drawing, particularly in black and white charcoal, Ludovic Campino explores symbolic means of expression based on refined, random or geometric shapes.

The exhibition at the Fichti Art Festival, not far from the remains of the palace of Agamemnon, marks a pivotal moment for him and the Cyclotropean project. What symbol could be stronger than a mythical site from the Iliad to brand the discovery of the first cyclotropean marks? A climax of their dialogue with the world…

The exhibition will take place on 28/7/2023 at Mycenae Station, Fichti

By the painter Ludovic Campino

Ludovic Campino

For more information about the works of art you can contact ludovic.campino.art@gmail.com as well as visit the page: https://campinoart.fr as well as social media: