Live drawing performance

Le corps révélé au confessionnal

"The project that I lead aims to mix my drawing with the particular encounter with an unknown body and its owner. During this performance, volunteers enter a room or a booth, in which I find myself ready to draw. The person undresses in order to pose for me for about 30-40 minutes, which allows me to make three to four drawings of their body. The dialogue with this person is recorded.

The performance is transmitted by a video screen outside that allows everyone to see the drawing in progress. The spectators do not see the naked person, but only the drawing of his body being realized and the conversation between the two protagonists."

was born in Lyon on July 14, 1976.
She has
studied visual arts from 1994 to 1998 at the University of Strasbourg and now she is Associate professor of visual arts and visual artist.
lives and works in Strasbourg.

Live drawing sessions will be held throughout the festival.

By Laure Florençon

Laure Florençon