
Mediterranean nights

By Giorgos Tsokanis and Stavros Salabasopoulos,

Friendly participation of Rania Koutroulis

The fichtiart festival invites you to a magical evening of piano and voice concert featuring the sounds of virtuoso pianist George Tsokanis that accompany the voices of the tenor Stavros Salabasopoulos and the mezzo-soprano Rania Kouroulis.

Tenor Stavros Salabasopoulos was involved in music from a very young age, studying piano. He then began studying classical singing and within a year made his first appearance in the children's section of the National Opera. Later, he was in Paris to study with a scholarship from the French State (École Normale de Musique de Paris), while at the same time he worked at the Paris Opera (Operade Paris). He has appeared on various television shows and has collaborated with great personalities in the field of classical music, opera, but also art, crossover and pop music. He has performed classical and contemporary roles in Italy, France, Germany and Greece and has participated in Greek and international Festivals.

Rania koutroulis

studied harmony and piano at the Standard Experimental Conservatory of Amarousiou, Resistance and Flight at the Hellenic Conservatory of Northern Suburbs and holds a piano diploma from the Kodaly Conservatory.

She has participated in numerous seminars and has worked, among other things, as a substitute teacher of piano as well as percussion/traditional ensemble at the music school of Argolida.

She has also participated in research on the recording of traditional dances and on-site research of folklore events in the Kozani area/Apokri season (Organized by P.L.I.)

She has also participated, among others, in theatrical performances of the cultural club of Nea Kios.

The Concert will take place on 31/7/2023 at Mycenae station, Fichti